
If we can’t help you, we’ll recommend someone that can!

WE HAVE Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

As of April 24, we have provided our recovery services to 45 clients:

  • For 13 clients, we provided guidance which allowed them to recover funds on their own, for which we charged no fee.
  • For 18 clients, recovery was clearly impossible. We provided advice regarding each situation and did not charge any fees.
  • For 11 clients, we performed recovery directly and were successful, for which we typically charged a 20% fee.
  • For 3 clients, we attempted to perform recovery directly but were unsuccessful. We never charge a fee when we are unsuccessful.

No. When we recover your money, the portion that we send you is never reported as income to the IRS, since we are simply restoring your access to your own funds. In fact, you may be able to deduct our commission from your taxable income, but we recommend that you discuss this with your tax advisor since we do not provide tax advice.

Of course! Our articles of organization, operating agreement, ownership ledger, and ownership certificates are freely available. Please contact us to request a copy of these documents at no cost.

The collapse of FTX devastated us and impacted the lives of millions. Nowadays we only recommend Binance or Coinbase, depending on where you live. Even then, you should aim to use your own wallets as much as possible, leaving as little as possible on the exchange itself.

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